How to Buy Earrings On-Line.
Our best advice for buying earrings online. We have assisted many customers virtually and in person. Although limited, we do receive returns. Feedback on returns helps us improve our product descriptions, by providing more details to overcome the challenges of purchasing online. How do you know what the earrings will look like in person? And how do you know which style earrings will look best on you? Our tips should take some of the guesswork out of online shopping, and guarantee joy when you open the box.

The top two challenges to buying earrings on line
- Assuring the earrings will be flattering to your face shape and coloring.
- Avoiding purchasing earrings that are larger or smaller than expected.
Selecting the earrings that will look best on you.
Select your favorite shaped earrings from your jewelry box, these should be your go-to earrings. Make sure the style you are considering doesn’t deviate too much in shape or length, unless you are considering a new look.
Know your face shape and what shapes are the most flattering for you. See our blog post determining the best earrings for your face shape.
Most websites will include the approximate length the earrings will hang at. The better sites also include the length of the earring design and the width in their description of the item. At Perfect Details we painstakingly measure each earring. We include the dimensions in our description underneath the picture, as well as in our bullet points on the right-hand side. It is critical to locate this information on any website before you start the decision making process.
Determining earring size
- Select earrings from your jewelry box of different lengths. Choose ones that are similar in length to what you want in the earring you are shopping for.
- Measure the length and width of each item you selected.
- Line up the earrings by length so that you can reference the lengths while shopping.
- Now, when you read the product description, you’ll have a physical earring next to you to reference for size. This process should limit surprises when your package arrives, as well as save you a trip to UPS store.
Other criteria to consider:
Back findings

Friction back posts
This type of back is almost always used for stud earrings, and larger backs are used for heavier and longer dangle and drop earrings. This type of clasp has a flat plate with a center hole for the pin and curled up butterfly wings that grip the post in place with friction. The larger the earring, the larger the clasp should be.

Large back or cushy backs should be used to support a large drop or chandelier earring. The large back helps heavier, longer earrings to hang straight. Also referred to as “monster-backs, a “cushy” back or larger back also adds comfort to heavy earrings. Best yet, there are now “no slippage backs” as shown below that also add comfort and prevent forward slippage.

Pin location
It’s also important to look at pin location and post size when purchasing longer earrings with a friction-back post. A center pin location allows for part of the post to rest above your piercing, a high pin location means the earring is going to hang straight down from the hole location.

Hooks are great from a comfort perspective for lightweight earrings. Heavier earrings that have a hook will require a metal or rubber holder to prevent them from falling forward and pulling on the ear lobe. These are referred to as bullet posts or rubber stoppers. Pictured below is a rubber stopper. These work well and are not noticeable, even if your hair is short or swept up.

Lever-back clasps
Lever-back clasps are personally my favorite from a comfort and security perspective. Generally, these are used for lightweight earrings. If a heavy earring has a lever-back clasp, it will tend to fall forward and pull on your ear lobe. The same rubber stoppers mentioned above to use with hooks, can also be used with lever-backs to prevent forward slippage.

How an earring hangs depends on the shape of your ear lobe, and where your ear is pierced. And of course, everyone is different.
We always tell brides or anyone looking for special earrings for an event to wear a style and size earring you generally wear. However, if you want something special and beyond glamorous for your wedding or event, as most of us do, we suggest wearing them around the house and getting used to them. Just like shoes, you break them in a little bit first. Same goes for earrings if they are different from what you are used to.
Another useful tip for preventing earring slippage, and maximizing comfort is using surgical tape. Below is a link to a useful video that demonstrates this technique.
What about clip-on earrings?

Last Tip:
We always tell brides or anyone looking for special earrings for an event to wear a style and size earring you generally wear. However, if you want something special and beyond glamorous for your wedding or event, as most of us do, we suggest wearing them around the house and getting used to them. Just like shoes, you break them in a little bit first.

Everyone has their go to piece of jewelry. For me, it’s always earrings. I won’t leave the house without my sunglasses and a bauble dangling from my ears. So of course, I have to share my favorite earrings that I wear all the time from Perfect Details.

Hope you have found these tips useful. Let us know what you think or if you have any suggestions in helping on-line shoppers getting their earring purchase right the first time.